Broadband Light: Anti-Aging For All Ages | Lazaderm Blog

Broadband Light: Anti-Aging For All Ages

What if your skin has already begun aging and you have areas that are even beginning to show sun damage?  For all of you who have these thoughts, we have the Broadband Light Facial Treatment.

In our last blog, we talked about prejuvenation and how people are seeking medical spa treatments at earlier ages to prevent aging, but what if your skin has already begun aging and you have areas that are even beginning to show sun damage?  For all of you who have these thoughts, we have the Broadband Light Facial Treatment.

The Broadband Light treatment will deliver light energy and heat the upper layers of your skin.  Heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate new collagen. This can blend your skin’s natural colors, making it look more vibrant and younger-looking.

The BBL can even restore the genetic pattern of aged skin and change the expression of genes associated with aging!

Here’s a quick list of things that the BBL can help to correct:

  • age spots
  • brown spots
  • uneven skin texture
  • loss of elasticity
  • fine lines, deep lines, wrinkles, large pores
  • uneven skin tone
  • freckles
  • rosacea

Our patients love that the BBL has minimal downtime and there’s no need for anesthetic.  Results begin to show several days after the treatment. Sunspots, age spots or broken blood vessels clear up in one to two weeks!

The BBL can also be used for prejuvenation because it also helps maintain healthy skin and it also delays the aging process.  If you schedule a free consult, our experts will tell you more about what a Broadband Light treatment can do for you. Ask about our maintenance packages!

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